The Space Between Us

admndaretwrtStories About Change

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The Space Between Us

The space between us grows ever wider
with each passing second of every passing day.
The hands of time, which I cannot still
are pulling me further and further away from you.
I want them to stop, just for a moment,
to catch a breath and remember,
and feel that it was real, you were here, we did live and love.
As I grow ever older, you remain unchanged,
captured in a split second of time.
Smiling, laughing, doing silly things, a forty something,
unlike me now, a sixty something.
How did that happen so fast?
The space between us is now filled with different memories,
ones that no longer include you yet still touch on your being.
I watched as our child grew into a woman
and sometimes see your reflection staring back at me.
It’s you but not you.
Those idiosyncrasies that were yours are now hers,
but not quite the same.
I hear your voice in my head, so clear at times I turn to answer
but I don’t see you, I just see the space that is left behind.
A space growing wider every day
with every passing second and I feel you slip away.
The space between us is playing with my mind.
It is wanting to return to a better place and time,
because I miss you and wish you were here
in my space and time right now.
But as I remember our stories and I think about us,
you once again exist in our present in our laughter, sadness and truth,
and the space between becomes just a moment in time.



Judith Glover is a 60-something woman who has in the past dabbled in writing but never seriously or courageous enough to share her work. This woman is now embarking on a journey and embracing her creative side, has joined a writing group, and is excited to see where this may lead.

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