Writing rarely comes out perfectly the first time.
Like clay in the hands of a sculptor, raw ideas can take shape and become unforgettable stories.
- First, let your imagination run wild.
- Next, develop your ideas, your characters, your plot.
- Discover your unique voice.
You may decide you want help to shape your writing further. What do you do next?
The trick is to just keep going.
Try to write a little bit most days.
Even if only 10 minutes.
The more you write, the easier the words will flow.
J.K. Rowling had the idea for Harry Potter while sitting on a delayed train, and wrote most of it on scraps of paper in a cafe. Do you ride a bus to school? Do you have an hour after lunch when you can visit the library? Can you give up your evening TV or internet and find time to write? If you carry your notebook with you all the time, you’re sure to find time in your day to let your ideas flow.

Ways to further develop your writing:
- Find a friend who also writes and swap stories and give feedback.
- Ask a teacher, parent, family friend or librarian to read your work.
- Find a community or school writing program to join.