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Writers: Facing an Audience with Tanushka Marah
21st March 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The natural habitat of many writers is a solitary one, locked away in a room honing craft, and when they are asked to share their work (as most inevitably are) in front of a live audience at a workshop, book launch, festival or open mic event the first instinct is to recoil in horror. So how do writers effectively and confidently share their written work in from of a live audience? In this workshop, Tanushka will provide you with the skills to control your nerves, ground your voice and body and find the confidence to put your voice out into the room. She will covertone intonation and rhythm to ensure that your readings are able to engage a live listening audience, large or small.
A limited number of bursary places are available for this workshop for writers who cannot afford the full price. Please email hello@newwritingsouth.com for details.